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Naved Narayan

VP, Head R&D Center, Bosch

Mr. Naved Narayan, a distinguished figure in the automotive industry, boasts over 25 years of invaluable experience, marked by a multifaceted journey encompassing strategy development, innovation, project management, software development, and business transformation. Currently holding the position of Vice President, Mobility Solutions at Bosch Global Software Technologies, he plays a pivotal role in steering the company's trajectory towards software-defined vehicles, eMobility, cybersecurity, and edge AI.
His extensive career has seen him lead through transformative phases, establish Centers of Excellence, and successfully manage sales and marketing operations in Japan, contributing to a rich tapestry of intercultural experiences acquired from his time in Germany and Japan. Naved's commitment to innovation is evident through his leadership roles in steering business divisions, focusing on the forefront of business model innovation. Beyond professional excellence, Naved actively participates in societal development, co-founding Tender Wings, a platform dedicated to providing education to orphaned and underprivileged children. His membership in the MIT Technology Review Global Panel underscores his dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.