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Santhosh Ramakrishnan

Director, Precia Molen

Santhosh Ramakrishnan, Director of Precia Molen India, a Joint Venture family company between India and France - 150-year-old French company in weighing industry. Pursuing, MBA at one of the world's best universities (HEC Paris). Completed master's in international business at Grenoble Ecole de Management, France. He has worked in Precia Molen Asia Pacific for over 3+ years & he has also worked in Precia Molen India of over 5+ years. He has been associated with Precia Molen for 8+ years. Focused on developing new joint ventures with European companies showcasing our existing success. His goal is that technology should reach people beyond socio economic barriers in developing countries. He also managing a NPO of our family trust focused on education, health, and infrastructure for poor.