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Ray Kwan

Director, SBF

Mr. Kwan is a Director at the Singapore Business Federation, where he leads the team covering the South Asian, Middle Eastern and African markets. Under his direction, his team assists Singapore companies in their internationalisation journey - from building awareness of these far emerging markets to facilitating their establishment in those markets to localising their businesses to ensure business sustainability in the long run, on a pro-bono basis. Ray has more than 25 years of experience in highly demanding international environments such as China, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Uganda, the U.A.E., and Yemen amongst many other countries in which he has had the opportunities to work in. His career through the years has allowed him to contribute to strategy formulation, spearheading portfolio projects, and ultimately change management. Ray graduated with a Masters of Science in Project Management from The University of Liverpool and is a project management professional and lead ISO auditor with certifications in project management (PMP®), PRINCE2 Practitioner, Master Project Manager (MPM), CIMFAS, CLSB, ISO9001:2015 lead auditor, and is also a fellow with the AAPM