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Raghunathan Rengaswamy

Dean, Global Engagement, IIT Madras

Prof. Raghunathan Rengaswamy is the Marti Mannarriah Gurunath Institute Chair Professor, Dean Global Engagement, and a core member of the Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and AI (RBC-DSAI) at IIT Madras. He is a co-Founder and Director of three IITM incubated companies: Gyan Data Pvt. Ltd. in data analytics, GITAA Pvt. Ltd., a data science training company, and Elicius Energy, developing novel hydrogen PEM fuel cells. Prior to his joining IIT Madras, he worked for several years as a faculty in the US and at IIT Bombay. As Dean of Global Engagement, he oversees an office that is tasked with enhancing international engagement, developing joint degree programs with international partners, and running an international conference secretariat at IIT Madras. He has been leading IIT Madras efforts on starting its first offshore campus in Zanzibar, Africa, and serves as the chair of the Advisory Council, IITM Zanzibar. He is the current President of the Heritage Network, which has 16 Indian and 13 European University members. Dr. Raghu’s research work is in systems engineering with a focus on modeling and the use of data science, ML and AI techniques. He also approaches problems in energy systems, systems biology and droplet microfluidics using systems principles. His work in these areas has resulted in more than 150 papers, two US patents, two Indian patents and several conference papers and presentations.